Art is either revolution or plagiarism. Paul Gauguin

Una vida de sueños

The Painter
His Work

Un principio y un final

The Artist
his Profile

”Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is.” Jackson Pollock.
Human energy and its relationship with cosmic energy have been a constant search in my work, interested in unraveling the trace left of the meeting of both in the intangible world of thoughts and beliefs (the mind) and its response in the sensory approach (feelings), which leads to a subjective and dual interpretation of the surrounding reality.
In my pictorial work I fragment the figure to tiny points and work on a support rich in visual, non-tactile textures, which, with the use of superimposed stencils, allow me to create the illusion of disintegration of matter to cosmic dust to emphasize the principle of all unique of origin.
76.2 x 57.15 cm. carboncillo sobre papel Arche 300 Primera exhibición Mi Mano y Mi Firma 1990 /
Ojo de María 2017 167.64 x 167.64 cm. óleo sobre lino y panel de madera